Thailand Earthquakes and Seismicity

 Thailand Week 3

                                           Thailand hazard maps for spectral accelerations at 0.2s structural... |  Download Scientific Diagram


This week in Geology we are going over our countries earthquakes and seismicity. In Thailand I talked about it briefly in last weeks blog about how earthquakes are a major hazard for Thailand's citizens. As you can see in the chart above the entire country is at risk for earthquakes but more towards the northern section of Thailand is where more of the major earthquakes can happen. 

Earthquakes in the ocean near Thailand also can cause tsunami's to form and that has been a major issue killing thousands of people in Thailand. Thailand has been known to have a low seismicity level. Earthquakes around the country in different countries neighboring Thailand happen more often but those earthquakes can be felt in Thailand just as much as it is hitting those other countries. Small earthquakes happen often in Thailand not endangering many just small shifts in the plates. But in the past there has been two notable Earthquakes in Thailand being the Mae Lao earthquake which occurred in 2014. Although it only killed one person it did a lot of damage to buildings and roads. The other earthquake that is worth mentioning is the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake that I mentioned in last weeks blog. This earthquake was a 9.1 magnitude and killed over 8000 people causing huge damage to cities at the time but as of today they have recovered fully from it. 

               Earthquake hits Thailand


                                                                        Other Sources:,collision%20during%20mid%2DTertiary%20time.


  1. Nice research- what type/s of mitigation measures they have for earthquakes?

    1. Enjoyed the research helps me learn. Amazing a 9.1 magnitude for an earthquake. I can’t imagine the damage, I know you included how many people were killed but is there a per baggage of damage or ratio for Thailand?


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